Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I don't really need you. Coz I'm Blue..

Hello everyone. Hello my normal days. Yes people. I've went on to study on campus again, as usual. Kinda annoying, I think. But it's not a big problem anymore. I'll be able to handle it well. And everything will be better. right? :)

At the last day of holiday, I finally decided to go to the beach: Enjoying the remnants of happiness by as much as possible without being missed. I [don't know why] always love beach. forever? Perhaps. Especially if the beach is not dirty. hehe.

And there is no happiness without the narcissist photos!

I wore my Batman-blue-Tshirt, sleeveless jacket, Eiger sandals, silver guitar necklace.
I also wore Daddy's old black glasses because it was a very hot and dazzled afternoon. 

So sorry for not-really-good-quality-photos. I only have a mobile for taking photos. Just wish someday there will be a miracle happens. a camera fall down from the sky in front of my home. hehehe :)

Have a great normal days, everyone.
See you in the next post!
Toowhit Toowhoo..!


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