Monday, January 30, 2012

light and space in an old French bastide

If I were to move back down to the South of France with it's beautiful light and gentle living, I would definitely love a house with proportions like these.  Tall ceilings, wide open windows, gently light colours.  Everything feels calm and uncluttered, the living looks easy.

 I love the long dresser in this picture, so great for displaying plates or even lining up dishes for a big family lunch!

The furniture is not overdone, mostly vintage or brocante pieces, the accent is on colour, patina and textures.  The bareness of the walls in the sitting room provide a striking set for the two huge orchard ladders.

Fittingly it is the bedroom that is given the most comfortable treatment, with a big soft armchair, and of course the wonderfully simple baldaquin over the bed.

How simple is this table?!  Two  bench supports and plank table top rounded at the corners.  What makes it spectacular is its size.

This is my favourite picture,; I love the grey of the lamp stand against the neutral stone wall.   The way the side table height has been raised, and those amazing little vases attached to the lamp - those I want!

Another example of French understatement, less is more.  Simple materials, neutral colours, comfort in textiles with looking for anything fancy.    The overall effect feels soothing to me - what do you think?

all pictures with thanks to campagne et doecoration


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