Monday, January 23, 2012

ReStructure on the Beach

At times, significant change can be a really good thing, and we certainly think that's the case for this beach front home on the Isle of Palms.  For our Charlotte, NC clients looking to spend some quality time at the coast, this home has nearly everything:  a sweeping view of the Atlantic, convenient beach access outside their fence, great square footage, and a large lush lot on arguably one of the most beautiful beaches in the Southeast (if you ask anyone around here!)  And those are about the only things our ReStructure team will leave in place!  This Herlong & Associates designed remodel will leave this home almost unrecognizable.  Take a look at some of our progress! 

This is the "before" porch, after demolition of the porch, and new foundation in process:

The upstairs formerly included a den with a fireplace (left) and also a master bedroom with a fireplace (right).  The wall between these two rooms and the fireplaces have been removed during demolition (below):

The kitchen and foyer "before" and the kitchen and foyer in process with right wall removed and new stair placement:

Street-side entry "before" and in process:

As you can see, ReStructure is hard at work to make this coastal home the perfect island get-away.  We are really excited to see how this custom home remodeling project continues to take shape!  Check back for updates and to see a final Before and After post!


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