Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy summer

When I changed my living room drapes recently to lighten up I caused myself a design problem , the roman blind in this entry did not co-ordinate but clashed , I have wanted to change this blind for a while as it was becoming sun bleached and falling apart . I found the perfect bamboo blind for less than $30.00 at our Canadian Tire store , it only came in 24 inch wide and 36 inch wide , one was too small and 36 seemed too wide but I installed it on the outside of the frame and it turns out to work just fine in fact it makes the window appear a little large , which I like .

The garden is filling in so very nicely around this time of year , I am just waiting for my day lilies to start blooming . We will have to cut down this tree at the end of the season , it is very diseased with canker , we tried to cut it off but we were too late to save it , I had someone come take a look and he said enjoy it for a couple of more years then cut it down , its been a couple of years , we will miss it .

I love the wear and tear on this fence post topper it's just right .

Hope you are enjoying some wonderful summer weather .


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