Monday, June 14, 2010

New summer drapes

I finally got to sewing my summer drapes ,I used pre-made linen look cotton off white drapes from Ikea which were $39.00 a pair , and to add length I added a seer sucker stripe railroaded , it worked out to be the exact length I needed for these drapes a full 13 feet , I felt like a fabric wrangler while sewing these .
I got the airy look I was after for very little money a total of $55.00 for these two extra length panels not bad I tell ya , I know many have spend hundreds on custom drapes for these tall windows , no need I tell ya, no need , for a little effort and some savvy shopping anyone can have customized drapes , one of the simplest projects to do.
I promise I will take some better photos soon , this is a tough room to take pictures its either too bright or too dark, annoying.

Test driving the new drapes.

Before; lets call these the winter drapes , they match the walls , well the walls match the drapes really a fine winter look.


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