Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Working on a good name

Prov 22:1 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.

Art Linkletter or Adolph Hitler? Billy Graham or Pol Pot? There is much to say about having a good name and reputation.

How long does it take to build a good reputation? And how long to have that reputation sullied?

Sadly, a poll of a wide swath of people would reveal that, rather than choosing a good name, they would rather have the riches. This is too bad, because the true riches are found in good character and not in the bottom line.

Financial riches are somewhat unattainable to most people, but a good name is doable for the person who esteems character and reputation above all other traits. The path to acquiring a good name is strewn with righteous living, God honoring actions and doing right, no matter what.

Those who have the cash may or may not have the respect of others, but those with a good name have nothing but honor.

Choose the good name and everything else will find its rightful place.


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