Sunday, February 6, 2011

dreaming of a chateau

I thought that for the weekend we could all do with a little something to dream about.

This property has recently come up for sale, it's less than an hour west from us, deeper into Normandy.  A medium sized château and typical of the style around here, built in brick and stone.  It has beautiful grounds, stunning outbuildings, a pool and a lake!

So let's pretend we have 8 million $ to invest with,  what will it bring us?.  Listen carefully and I'll tell you .....for that bargain price, Sotheby's is offering us a pretty 17th century château ...

 that we can admire from the front and the back
(can't you just see those steps and lawn being perfect for a big summer ball!)

.....11 bedrooms with beds of all shapes and sizes,...... 
(I grabbed this one, so you'll have to look further down the hall)

.......8 bathrooms too.....

(If you need to bring a governess with you, don't worry she gets her own quarters.)

we'll have ornate plaster work on the walls and ceilings, 
and carved stone decorations on the façade

..... we get a massive hall, and four large reception rooms including a real library....

in the grounds of the house we have a pool - complete with  thatched pool house,
a stable block,  a 17thC dovecote, a 19thC guest house,
  a caretaker's house and a Norman manor.  
(now that's a real relief because I'd hate us to fill squashed in there
when friends come to visit!)

we could take afternoon tea on the terrace
(this, by the way, is my favourite shot)

 ...... and when the weather is fine we can walk (all day) around the extensive
300 acre property, and even check on the duck's eggs in the laying
baskets that will  have been carefully positioned by our gamekeeper.....

 Sotheby's rather touchingly labels this a 'luxury single family' property.  
One assumes, this is because - once you've lodged the army of staff necessary 
for maintenance -  there will only be the space for one family.

Seriously though, I think this place is stunning.  We definitely couldn't afford to buy or 
maintain it, but I am thrilled to think that some people can and will. 

Wishing you a dreamy Sunday


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