Saturday, October 23, 2010

Beachy chandelier

So like a mentioned the basket idea didn't work out , so while I had the light down I thought what was bothering me was the grey paint and the striped scrunchie and the shades , so really everything , it just didn't fit so I had nothing to lose in changing it .

So I used some linen I had and made a new scrunchie , then I sanded the fixture to rough it up , but I didn't love that look , so I sprayed it with creamy ivory spray paint I had , then I removed the roses and I decided they may look good dipped in blue paint , so I dipped them and then dipped them again in water until they had a good coat but not a globby coat , and off the under the fan they went to dry , so far so good , and then after looking at lots of pretty blue lights on line I thought the candle sleeves would look cute painted a brighter blue so I sprayed those too in the garage all the while acutely aware there was a mouse in a trap in the corner of my garage , eeeekkkk! at least he was stuck where he was eating his food {aka poison} , he didn't know ....he's probably dead.

I received my small order of fabric yesterday from tonic living , the two left ones are new , I am planning on making lots of new pillows , must wash all the fabric first though , I love how linen looks after its was all rumply , gorgeous . I have lots of sewing to do this weekend


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