Thursday, October 21, 2010

Brick floors and basket lights


Velvet and Linen

Basket lights have been on my mind , I love them they are so charming . See I don't like my dining room light , its OK but it isn't doing anything for me , it was a bedroom left over , after looking long and hard I have not been able to find a fixture to replace it , not under about $1000.00 anyway and if you know me at all I would not spend that kind of dough on a fixture , I would make something or buy one second hand , but with the holiday house tour coming I have wanted some projects and this one seems perfect ....what to you think of the basket lights ? do you love them as much as I do ? With all my time not working while I take care of my mending daughter I have been pondering a few projects to come , sometimes we consider moving to gain some more space for our growing girls , but I always have panic when I crunch the numbers who wants to had another 6 figures to what they owe on their current house to get another room maybe two , doesn't compute for me , not to mention the costs of all the projects any house would bring , I need to make a house my own , it seems a better plan to finish our basement to gain a true office space for my husband and to add a real theatre / kids hang out / guest room in the basement as well as a pretty finished laundry room for me after all I can do all the finish work , it would be fun for me.

And brick floors , OK i love brick floors , and I really really want them , next spring I am going to clad my front steps in bricks too , but I would really like to see this used inside my home.

the Willows blog
When I saw this kitchen over at the Willows Blog , so sorry my link feature won't work , I just fell in love , what can I say about this kitchen , it is sheer perfection , my husband loves it too , so there may just be brick floors in my future , all I need to do is move my giagantor island into the family room with out wrecking anything , and then the appliances must move out , and we can tear out the tile , while we are making such a mess we might want to just take out all the lower cabinets to do it right , and then put in some new counters while we are at it and why don't we just put in an apron front sink too , sounds like a remodel doesn't it.....well this is all just a BIG maybe , its only money and time right , oh an back breaking work for me ....a girl can dream right ? I guess I should just focus on my basket light project.


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