Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hljóðaklettar "Dress Up" Streaming

Hljóðaklettar @ Faktorý venue
Off-Venue on 12. October
Official on 13. October
A lot of the artists performing on these 2 nights are featured on the cassette "Dress Up".
Streaming of this release is available for a short period on Soundcloud:

Hljodaklettar Dress up - Side A by Hljodaklettar
Side A of the Cassette (+ Jacket)
1. Olympia - Petur Eyvindsson
2. Free Magic Weed - Evil Madness
3. Big Shadow Montana - Stilluppsteypa & BJNilsen
4. Remonia - Vindva Mei
5. Crying Café (late edition) - The Crying Cowboy & Rúnar Magnússon
6. Exterio-(P)rism - Dino Felipe
7. Live001 (recorded in Krems 8.5.10) - Reptilicus
Hljodaklettar Dress Up - Side B by Hljodaklettar
Side B of the Cassette
1. compact assette - Thor Magnússon
2. JarreSchulze - BJ Nilsen
3. UPlifttheMind - Takeshi Muto
4. Freeze no Extra - Rudi Müller & Rúnar Magnússon
5. Captain of Love - Hunk Of A Man
6. Dr. Diablo - Jóhann Jóhannsson & Runar Magnusson
7. Kjallari Keisarans - Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson
8. Dimitri - Helgi Thorsson
9. Stadion - DJ Musician
Compiled by Sabrina Joy & Rúnar Magnússon
Released by: Hljóðaklettar
Release/catalogue number: HKMC1
Release date: 17 June 2010


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