Sunday, October 24, 2010

Making new pillows

With the Holiday House Tour quickly approaching I have been dreaming up new projects and making sure everything is worthy of the tour , the stairs have been on my mind for sure , I was even just about to go carpet shopping for a new runner or even thinking of removing the carpet all together , with that comes some risk , like bumps and bruises are my biggest concern .
What I did do was take out my handy carpet cleaner Bissel green machine and some heavy duty Resolve stain remover and bissel carpet cleaning solution and I brought the runner back to life , removed an alarming amount of dirt and sand and I even worked up the loop bringing new life back into my runner , it was a great workout for sure and best of all I have a clean carpet runner .

Pillows are my next major concern , our existing pillows which all have washable removable covers are looking tattered and shabby , really shabby , pillows should have an expiry date I think . These are two of the pillows I made last night , the fabric is from Tonic Living and it is a nice heavy weight cotton with a linen look , I washed it all in warm first to shrink it all down to size.

I always make washable pillows with fold over back panels , I have a husband and two dogs and two kids my pillows need frequent washings .

I have a few more to make , I love the new look and these fabrics...

Some lovely linen .


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