Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shiney happy

I wanted to show you my new to me Delta faucet I purchased from Kijiji , it was just too nice to pass up , $60.00 for a pretty good quality faucet I priced it out locally and it goes for $280.00 right now , awesome deal I got .

I gave it a thorough deep cleaning and all it needed to be installed were a couple of supply hoses and a nut to hold the faucet in place and voila I finally have a faucet that is pretty and looks like it belongs in my bathroom.

Here is what we were given , the standard basic a fine fixture but certainly nothing to brag about , I am happy to have two new faucets and I will keep my eyes open for one more for the girls bath , well maybe is just covered in some sort of nasty mess ...

I was even able to get a smile out of Sophie today , she played with her DS and even was able to eat some real foods , we are making progress here , I am so relieved she isn't constantly suffering anymore .


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