Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Thanks Giving from Canada

Welcome to Thanks Giving at our house , it is just the 4 of us today for a nice intimate family dinner , we are using the dining room , which is a big deal , it is more often used for sewing that for dining so this is special.

Ok so I didn't make time to iron the table cloth , I am sure you didn't notice , right? I really should have , but I am busy , making a real feast , which started with Chipotle Pumpkin soup which is to die for I might add , turkey , mashed potatoes , green bean casserole , brussel sprouts , candied carrots and apple crisp and vanilla ice cream for dessert , yummy right ...

We have so much to be thankful for , we are really really blessed, we have it all , two great and healthy children ,we have our health , and we are celebrating 18 years together and we still both want to be here , which I do not take for granted , we have a wonderful warm home and a great life here in Canada , the sun is shining and the leaves are all full of colours on this warm autumn day what more could we want?

I wanted to show you my newest adventure , installing faucets , I did it , it was so easy , I scored this on Kijiji for $35.00 , its solid brass , it just needed two new connectors and it went in like a breeze , I was so pleased when it worked for me.


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