Monday, October 4, 2010

A Lively Hope

1Pe 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

Peter, along with his fellow disciples, had lost all hope as their Master gave up the ghost on the cross of Calvary. They had placed all their Messiah eggs into the Jesus basket. His death, though He had told them it was part of the plan, meant the death of their hope. The deal was sealed, life as they had known it was over.

Hurt, disillusioned, lonely, bewildered, they huddled together in the upper room. Scared for their lives, unsure of a future, they were defeated as their hope had died with Christ.

But then, He appeared. Gloom left the room. "Peace!" was the first word He spoke to them. And with His appearance in that room that first post-resurrection Sunday night came a fresh, lively hope. All is not lost! In fact, if Jesus is alive, the future is a blank check. Peter would become a converted man, ready to strengthen his brethren.

Neighbor, as long as Jesus is alive, hope is vibrant. He conquered death and now there is nothing that He cannot accomplish. With the Apostle Peter we can aver that we are born again to a lively hope. What seemed impossible is now no big deal. Let your hope live today.


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