Sunday, October 31, 2010

Have a safe and Happy Halloween

We had a great time last night at our neighbours annual Halloween Bash , this is only the second time we have gone but it is a great time to let loose and have a good time , it is so fun to get dressed up , Todd was Jason from Friday the 13th , he got that mask on Ebay and I picked up the coat and waffle shirt at Value Village which is like Salvation Army , he used cooking oil to dirty up the shirt as well as some fake blood as well as making knife holes in it , I tell you it was pretty scary , the girls had a lot of fun with it , Mason did Todd's nails with brown and red polish , they looked so gross but great ...could you imagine opening your door to this guy , we even got to scare our friends 14 year old daughter and her friends that were watching scary movies , that was too fun .

I have to admit I love this photo of me , I look so creepy , the contacts we bought for Mason at a comic book convention but she couldn't get them in her eyes , which was a score for me as I could wear them easily for my Glampire get up , the teeth really made the look , but I could barely talk with them in , I had the biggest lisp.

We make quite a couple don't we.

Sophie is also a big fan of the fun events of Halloween we all love it .

Here are our friends Lisa who is the Bride of Chuckie , and Craig who was Chef Ramsey , lots' of fun ...
Hope you have a Happy Halloween we are just gearing up for some stunning makeovers , Mason is an 80's diva , which I think I can help her with seeing as I was a teen in the 80's and Sophie is going to be a Witch for the first time safe.


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