Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Steven and Chris Blogger Day

Well I just have to share with you about my great day yesterday , in Toronto at the Steven and Chris Show , it was certainly blogger day , lots of bloggers and twitter people , clearly I don't twitter, tweet whatever, we were really welcomed to the show it was a fun time and I am so glad I went , thankfully my husband worked from home to take care of Sophie for me or I wouldn't have been able to make it and I am really happy I did . I saw Lisa and her sister from SweDaisy so I went over and introduced myself , she is as warm in person as her blog suggests, I got to meet Jennifer from Rambling Renovators it is so nice to finally meet and chat in person, you think you know who is who but there is a little uncertainty when approaching someone who you have never met in real life, I am so glad Sharon came over and introduced herself to me , I was so touched that these girls all asked how Sophie was doing , so sweet.

Lots of cameras and smart phones to capture and share this day ...such an in touch crowd, I felt a little left out , I think I need an iphone .......

Jenny McCarthy was so stunning which doesn't surprise me , I am going to have to go out and get her new book it sounds great ...
after the taping they served us a delicious pulled pork sandwich cooked in Dr Pepper , I love me Dr Pepper so this sounded devine and it was , what a special treat , my favorite part of the day was when Steven and Chris took time to talk with all of us and answer some questions these are two such nice guys....I couldn't think of anything to ask but it was just nice to be there and listen and it was even touching

Took a little time to pose for a picture with Steven and Chris and my dear friend Lisa , we had a great day it was really really fun...of course in our bumbling style Lisa and I ended up in the basement of the CBC building in the set dept , only to be greeted back on the ground level by security they wanted to "help" us find our way out , so silly ... we always have fun.
The show will air on Friday , and it does air in the US, I will find that info soon for those who want to watch which I am sure is all of you ....its a great show
Great news too , I have tickets to giveaway to a taping of the Steven and Chris show in Toronto so please leave me a comment and let me know if you are interested .


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